Some Common Questions About the Meeting of Creditors

What do I need to bring?

You will always need to bring your Social Security card and a valid, government-issued photo ID. If you can't find your Social Security card, you can bring an original W2, but not a copy. The Trustee will not hold your meeting without these, so don't forget!

Where are the Meeting of Creditors held?

For Chapter 7 cases in Allegheny County, the meeting will be held on the 7th floor of the Liberty Center in downtown Pittsburgh. 1001 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222. For Chapter 7 cases outside Allegheny County, the locations differ. Make sure to verify with your attorney before the meeting.

Chapter 13 Meeting of Creditors are held downtown in the US Steel Building, 32nd floor. 600 Grant St., Pittsburgh, PA 15219.

What should I wear?

There are no formal requirements, but you should at least dress in business casual. No Steelers jerseys!

Am I going in front of a judge? Is this in a court room?

Nope, you will go in front of a trustee, who is an attorney who reviews your case and asks you some simple questions about your filing. The meeting is held in a conference room, not a court room. Don't imagine this as a courtroom drama right out of a television show. It is a simple, straightforward affair.

Will my creditors be there to ask me questions?

Very rarely. The trustee sits in their place. It is rarely worth the creditors effort to attend, as there is very little they can do if your case is properly filed. If they do show up in a Chapter 13, it is usually to make sure there claim is being allowed (claims are what the creditors say you owe).


I will review the questions asked by the trustee several days before the Meeting of Creditors. While this meeting is fairly informal and should not cause anxiety, it is a hearing held under oath. I always tell my clients, as long as you tell the truth and don't hide anything from the trustee, there is nothing to worry about! The meeting is mostly a review of what you have already confirmed and filed, so there shouldn't be any surprises as long as you have been thorough.

Contact us if you have any questions about your Meeting of Creditors.